Thursday, May 25, 2017

Blogging Tips Part 17 : What are the 4 Types of Writers Success

The freelance writing industry is something that is at times hard to work with. Being a blogger there are things that you have to figure out as far as your writing style, niches, and what bring people to your blogging platform. As a writer, you are always going to have to come up with new content to succeed. The longer that you are in the writing industry you will figure out your style, niche and what people are looking for, but so often a lot of people want to know; How many blogs do I have to write in a day to become a successful writer.

I am here to tell you that in all honestly, it all depends on your definition of a writer’s success. You see most of us tend to go by how many words we type in a day. Others will go by how many blogs we write in a day. Then there are those that go by how many views they get a day on their blogging plat form, then there are those that go by how many comments that they get in a day. So, you see there are many different ways to go by a writer’s success. In this Blogging Tips segment, I am going to go over the 4 types of Writers Success.

How Many Words in a Day
Going by how many words in a day may sound silly. But to a lot of writers it is to mark their success for the day. You see a lot of them will set a goal of 5000- 10,000 words written a day. If they make their goal for the day then that is their success. Writers that write books tend to use this method however there are still others that are bloggers that focus on goals that are similar.

How Many Views Do You Get
There are some blogging platforms that writers use that will show you all of the views that you will get on a specific blog. Depending on how many views your blogs you may want to consider doing what they call segments. That is where you strictly write on subtopics on that topic for instance my Segment on Blogging Tips I have covered 17 things that bloggers and freelance writers need to know about writing and the writing industry. This is a good way to increase your web traffic and gain exposure on the internet.Or if you are someone that has a niche for Stock Market Tips you may want to consider a segment on that . 

How Many Blogs to Write a Day
This is a hard one to go by because, in all honesty it all depends on the topic and how in depth you really go. As a good practice though it is good to write 4 a day. Just keep in mind, make sure that the are about different topics. This topic will be covered soon in our Blogging Tips Segment and I will go in to detail on how to gauge how many blogs to write in a day.

How Many Comments You Get in a Day’s Time
In many writer’s opinions, this is the worst way to view your success as people do not always leave comments. They may have loved the piece but you won’t know that.  The reason you won’t know is they will end up going to the next blog that catches their eye.

So, you see it all depends on how you want to track your success as a writer. I hope this helps those that were wondering how to track your success as a writer. If you like what you have read so far let me know click here to subscribe to my feed 

Investing Tips Part 3 ; 10 Need to Know Terms For Stock Market Terminology.

If you are someone that is new to the whole Stock Market World you are going to find that there is a lot of new terminology you are going to have to learn and stay current with because it could mean in the long run that you could either be ahead and in the stock market or you are at a loss in the market. Which if you don’t know the terminology can mean a big mess if you are not careful. That is why in this segment of Investing Tips for theStock Market I am going to go over some of the very important terminology that you will need to know on your Stock Market venture.

After a while you may want to consider talking with a broker. A broker is a person that will help you with your stocks they will tell you when it is a good time to buy in to and sell stocks, of course they usually do get a fee for helping you with your stocks so that may be something you want to consider at a later date. But until then here is a list of terms that would be good to get to know.

Bear Market – This is when the stock has shown to have a period of prices going down.
Bull Market – This is when the stocks have shown a period of the price of stock is raising.
Blue Chip Stocks- These have to deal with the big-name companies such as Nasdaq that have a proven track record for decent payments and have proven excellent management when it comes to the company and its fiscal year.
Dividend- A portion of money that is paid quarterly or annually to the shareholder.
IPO (Initial Public Offering) -First sale of a stock offered to the public
Margin – Lets a person barrow money from their broker to make an investment in stock. It is the difference that is between the amount, the loan and the securities that is called the margin. This is soothing that you have to weigh your options when you are first starting out in the stock market.
Order- This is a term used when you purchase 100 shares of a company
Portfolio- This is where you will have a list of stocks that you own as an investor. You will find that it is very important to keep your portfolio updated. It could help you in the end.
Quotes- Information that is given for the latest stock price.
Stock Symbol – The symbol represents the company .

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Blogging Tips Part 16 Don’t Be Afraid to Cover Topics

Well this is the 16th Segment of Blogging Tips. I hope that in this journey with all of the tips it has helped you in your journey as a blogger or freelance writer. But I am glad to announce that our journey is not done just yet. In this segment of Blogging Tips Part 16 we are going to discuss the importance of not being afraid to cover certain topics.

The Importance of Being the Voice
As a blogger and or writer you are going to find that you are going to have some readers that are going to tell you that they wish that they had the ability to voice their thoughts like you do. That is when you know that your topic really hit home for some of your readers, and perhaps you should delve a little deeper into the topic and talk with the individual to get their side of the topic.
You may find that by contacting your readers about topics they comment on and get their thoughts on the topic that they are so adamant about. You may find that you are the only one that has the ability to voice that persons thought because they are too scared to voice them.

Make a Difference for People

As you cover the topics that other people are afraid to cover you will find that it is actually going to bring more people to your blogging platform or website, to get your insight on topics. Or they possibly could end up giving you more ideas to write about. So, the next time you are afraid to write on a subject just remember that it could actually help someone in the end, or you could be someone else’s voice. After all isn’t that what you want is more web traffic to your website?

Tips in Investing In Stocks Part 1 Things to Know First

So, you are looking at investing some money in to stocks, but you do not know the first thing about investing in stocks. Don’t worry in this first segment of Tips in Investing in stock I am going to go over the first things that you should do before investing in any stocks.

Study the Stock You Are Looking At
Before you even put any money down on a stock you need to pull up the stock that you are look at and look at what it has done for the past year. Going by the past and how it has done in the stock market you are going to want to look at, how many times it has gone down in the past year and see if there is a pattern. By looking for a pattern you can estimate approximately when it is going to go down again.
Realize Your Risk  
There is one thing that no matter how well your stock is doing right now. The main thing is to remember that no matter how good it is now, there are going to be times that your stocks are going to fall. There is always a risk in investing in stocks. However; Depending on how you do it you could actually make a decent profit as well over time which you could use for retirement later on in life.

Once you do your homework and you figure out which stocks you are going to invest in then you are going to be ready for the next step Keeping Calm When Investing 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Blogging Tips Part 15: 3 Keys to Gaining a Reliable Audience

Have you noticed a drop in your audience when it comes to your blogs presence on the internet? Do you often wonder what it takes to keep your audience coming back for more and sharing your information with friends and family? When you are a blogger having your audience, and keeping it coming back to your blog to read another one of your entries could literally mean you making the bills that month or not.
That is why in this blog we are going to discuss the 3 Keys to Gaining a Reliable Audience.
By following these 3 key factors as a blogger you should not only be able to keep your reoccurring web traffic but you should also be able to gain new web traffic as well.

Write the Trustworthy Content
Think about it why do you think that a majority of your web traffic come to your blog in the first place? One of the main reasons people are searching the internet is to find factual information about a topic. That is why it is so important as a writer to make sure that any content that you put out on the internet is factual and not bogus articles that are going to mislead your readers. By doing that you will find that your viewers will stop looking at your blog. So, make sure you only post facts!

Back up with Researched Information
                Another good practice and key factor that you want to keep in mind is that when you are writing a blog for your blogging platform make sure that at some point you take the time to add links and videos for some of your information. This will show your viewer’s that you have done your research. Plus, it has been proven that by using videos in your blogs it actually will increase your website visibility.

 Leave a Piece of Yourself On Your Blog
                The last key factor while it may sound strange, it is true.  Leave something that is you on your blog to make your blog more unique than other bloggers. Make your mark no matter if it is a catch phrase or something as simple as a quote that you came up for the day. Something that you could tell that it is your personal blog. As a reader, your viewers are going to want to know that you are human and not a robot. Too often on the internet there are websites that are filled with what is called filler information and the website is cold there is no personality. So, make sure to make your mark.

If you are able to include these simple practices into your blogs thank you will find that your readers will keep coming back all of the time. Hope this helps in your blogging career 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Blogging Tips Part 14: Write Medical News

As an avid blogger and freelance writer blogging tips can always be handy at times. You will find there there is really only one thing that is really important to make it in the writing industry, the growth of your audience. Without your audience, you do not have an income. But so many of writers just do not know what it is that makes their readers come back. In all honesty, your readers are looking for a few things:
·         Interesting Content
·         Reliable Content
·         Easy to Read
Up to date information

One of the easiest ways to gain a decent size of an audience is by writing medical articles that are helpful, trust worthy and filled with information that people know that they can trust. There are a lot of individuals that instead of going to a doctor right away will try and look information up on their symptoms and things that have been going on for some time as a lot of people do not have the insurance to pay for the doctor visit.

The one think to keep in mind is that the medical field is always changing and they are always come up with new things. For example, the Hand of Hope for so long they literally have not had anything that would help stroke patients and now just within 6 months’ time and using this robotic hand stroke victims now have a chance at having use of their hands back.

You would be surprised as to what they will come out with next. So, if you are looking to gain some new readers this may be a very good option for your writing and blogging purposes 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blogging Tips Part 13: 3 Reasons it is Important in Taking a Day to Rest

As a writer, no matter if you are your own boss, or if you write for a client there are somethings that are very import. The very first thing that is important is that you take some time for yourself and rest a day. In this blog, I am going to go over the reason that you need to have a day of rest when you are writing.

Reduce the Chances of Getting Writers Block
By taking a day of rest you not only take a day to rest your mind and focus on other things that need your attention. Taking just one day to do something else besides writing not only clears your mind to think about other than writing. For instance, maybe going for a walk in the park, or go swimming with friends and family. By taking the time with friends and family it will help reduce the chances of getting writers block for when you go back to writing again the next day.
Reducing the Chances of Getting Burnt Out
You may not think being a new writer that you will get burnt out on writing. But I am here to tell you that as a seasoned writer, you will have those moments where you feel like you are getting burnt out. That is when the day of rest is a good thing because it gives you time to recoup and get your thoughts together. This is also a good time to think about talking with another writer to bounce some ideas off of each other
Reduce The Chance to Quit Writing
Being a new writer you will find there are times in your career when you first start out that are going to be brutal and you are going to think about quitting, every new writer does at some point. However; this is when it is most important to remind yourself why you became a freelance writer. What your motivation is and why it is worth being your own boss.

As long as you keep these 3 reasons in taking a day of rest in mind your career as a writer will literally be unstoppable and you will not have a problem with your writing career or coming up with new content when needed for your clients or your personal work. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tips For Raising a Toddler; 3 Ways to Make Bath Time Fun

Anyone that has a toddler knows that there are times that your toddler is not going to like bath time. But what can you do as a parent to make bath time fun all of the time for them? This is something that new parents and even seasoned parents have trouble with from time to time. So, to try and help the issue I have come up with the segment Tips For Raising a Toddler. In hopes to help parents all over the world.
The one thing to keep in mind is your child is new to the whole bath time routine and as they get older things do tend to scare them. You may have had a very happy baby when they were younger but as they have become older bath time seems to scare them. It is something every child goes through. But do not worry hopefully these tips will help you deal with the bath time issues.

Using Bath Time Puppets
When you have a toddler that is picky about bath time it can be a real challenge. However; there are ways around it. And they can learn to not to love bath time but to have fun too. A lot of the time you can find the bath time puppets at your local store. When you use the puppets, you are not only making sure that they get clean, but you can put on a special puppet show just for them.
 Then when bath time is over you just stop the show until the next time that they take a bath. Granted there are going to be things that they are not going to understand, but once they see the puppets again they will start to connect bath time with puppet and fun time!

Using a Safety Seat and Colored Foam Soap
One of most unique thing that you will find is that children love color. As a parent, I have found that with my 3 children what has worked is using colored foam soap with them. By putting them in their safety seat and giving them a handful of soap they are able to make designs and get clean at the same time. Mr. Bubbles now offers a variety of colors so you can pick out your child’s favorite color.
 The only thing that I would suggest is that right after the bath make sure you rinse all of the soap off of your little artist left behind because if not it will stain for a while.

Use a Water Squirter Toy
When introducing the child to the water squirter toys you can introduce them in 2 ways. The first way that you can introduce them to it would be to squirt your child and then laugh a lot of the time they will start laughing and trying to do it themselves or they will splash the water trying to get you wet.
However, if the child starts to cry you set the toys in the tub. While your child is sitting in the safety seat and you are washing them up a lot of them will check the toys out. By doing that you are letting 
them get use to the toys at their pace.

I am sure that just by doing these 3 things with your toddler you will find that bath time is going to be a lot easier and they are going to want a bath without the struggle. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

General Manager Kurt Angle Announces First Ever 5 Way Match For Extreme Rules

If you were watching Monday Night Raw on May 15, 2017, you found out that due to Braun Stroman’s shattered elbow the General Manager Kurt Angle now must come up with an opponent for Brock Lesnar.
As announced due to Braun Stroman’s injuries he will be out of commission for 6 months or more depending on how fast Stroman heals. But for now, we will find out at Extreme Rules who will be victorious. Who do you think it will be;
·         Seth Rollins
·         Roman Reigns
·         Bray Wyatt
·         Finn Balor
·         Samoa Joe.

Any of these contenders would definitely a good opponent for Brock Lesnar. The real question is who is going to be able to withstand Brock Lesnars F-5?

Jinder Mahal #1 Contender for Backlash This Sunday 5/21/2017

It seems like after Jinder Mahal's 5-year absence from the WWE he came back meaner and a lot more muscular. In fact, since his return there are a lot of popular trainers that even have commented and saying that they “Strongly, believe by his aggression, size and by the way his body and veins are so distorted when he is in the ring that they are almost sure that he is on steroids.

                But instead of correction the suspicion and making sure he is not doing anything against the WWE policies, they decided to reward him, with a #1 contenders match at Backlash on Sunday May 21, 2017 against Randy Orton. A lot of the viewers are really wondering if Mahal really deserves the chance at being the #1 contender since the Singh Brothers keep getting involved and putting their two cents in every time he comes to the ring.

What would you do if you had suspicions of using steroids and then the constant cheating?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Zantrex Black Update

Okay for everyone that has been following my Zantrex Black blog I said that I would be doing an update. But there are some things that I am going to go over as well to kind of help others succeed like I have. Since the first blog it has been almost 2 months I have had some ups and downs with the experiment. The first 3 weeks went great and then my fiancé found out that I was doing the experiment and of course being the concerned person he was he was trying to get me to eat … the thing was it was things that we not exactly healthy. Processed foods, breads, pastas and things due to food allergies he knew I should not have. But he was trying to help.
So, once I got him okay with the idea of me doing the experiment to help everyone on my blog he agreed to try and help me out.  As far as my diet I will go through a normal day just so that people can see that I do eat normally with taking the Zantrex Black pills.

Morning 4 am While Coffee is Brewing of Course
I usually take 2 Zantrex Black Pills and I drink a full 32 oz. bottle of water. As there are warnings that if you do not drink enough water with the pills you will get a nasty rash and who would want that. While waiting the 15 minutes for the coffee I will get my breakfast.

1 Bowl of Special K with Yogurt Bites or a small bowl of cottage cheese and strawberries or blueberries with my cup of coffee. I don’t usually eat much in the morning as my stomach tends to be sour in the morning. I’ve had the issue since high school just have to be careful

After my usual chores around the house it is usually around 10 am and I get the kids together for a walk in to town with my fiancé. I have been walking almost every day now whereas before it was every other day. Yesterday, we walked 7 hours taking 1 hour for a lunch and the 2nd dose of 2 pills. And a salad and taking an hour to take the girls to the park.

During the walk, I filled my water bottle 4 times and it is a 32 oz bottle that is 128 oz. of water however; with as hot as it has been and as much as you sweat during summer it is always wise to always have water. But about 30 minutes before we got home I took the 3 dose of 2 pills Please keep in mind that in approximate we walked about 6 to 7 miles

So then by the time we got home my fiancé made pork steaks and potato salad and I did not have to wait like you are supposed to

Result of Changing Activity
In changing my activity, I have seen some change. In the first blog, I had stated that I needed to lose 20 lbs because of the doctor. Even with the set back and with my fiancé worried that I was not getting enough to eat I am still right on track I have lost 25 pounds. One thing to keep in mind is that you do not want to lose the weight too fast. Losing the weight too fast can lead to other health issues.

I hope this helps anyone that is trying to track how they are doing with losing the weight with Zantrex or it gives them a good idea of a structure that they need to follow to lose the weight and stay healthy.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

There’s Hope For Stroke Victims

Anyone that has had a stroke in the past knows that it can be difficult to be normal again and things do not also work like they should after a stroke. When that happens, individuals tend to think that the ability to do certain things is over.  Having a stroke can be devastating and life changing if limbs do not work correctly.

However; now there is a group of scientist and robotic technicians that are working together to make a life changing machine for those that have had a stroke and have lost the ability to use their hands. It is called the “Hand of Hope.” Although, to some it may seem like it is not possible to some after not being able to use their hands after so long there is hope.

The “Hand of Hope” will be used for physical therapy purposes, however the scientists in Honk Kong have mentioned that they are going to have a prototype that you can take home for home use as well. Which for a lot of stroke victims would make things a lot easier because they can do the therapy when they need it.  The machine is going to be in the ballpark of $4,000 U.S Dollars and for some that is not much to spend if that means that they are able to use their hands again. So the next time you see someone that has had a stroke let them know that there is the “Hand of Hope.” You may change someone’s life.

Monday, May 8, 2017

AKA Handmade Creations Has New Arrivals

For anyone that loves to shop online for one and only unique items. AKA Handmade Creations now has new items available for new and expecting mothers. Now we have handmade burp cloths, and here soon we will have handmade baby quilts for sale as well. The best part is you do not have to pay and arm and a leg for handcrafted items and there is always new items coming out . With Mother’s Day not that far away AKA Creations really has some great gift ideas.

What We Offer
At AKA Handmade creations we offer our customers handmade one of a kind pieces at a fraction of the cost. We believe that all of our customers are special and we treat each piece that we make with care. Some of the things that we offer are;
·         Handcrafted Necklaces and bracelets
·         Earrings and Anklets 
·         Keychains

·         Baby Burp Rags
·         Baby Blankets
·         Hot Pads and more

Everything is made to order you can find them on Facebook. If you need something in particular let them know and they can tell you what the cost would be . 
Handcrafted Necklace with Cross 10.00
My Little Pony Burp Rag set of 2 for 6.00

Sunday, May 7, 2017

How to Successfully Run a Business Part 2 Stay in Contact With Customers

Anyone that is a business owners knows that without a customer base you do not have a business. That is why in this segment of How to Run a Business, we are going to discuss why it is so important to stay in contact with your customers.

Show Them You Care
The one thing that a lot of customers will tell you is that they love it when they walk in to a store and the owner or the workers can remember their names. Or even remember what they talked about last time. As a business owner, you want to make sure that your customers are welcome and they feel welcome. You would be surprised as to how much just remembering their name really means to them. To your customer, you are one that wants to help them. Remembering the conversation that you had with them last time is going to mean more to them because you made them feel even more important. Customers like to feel like their conversations are important

Make Sure You Get Their Name and Number
There are going to be times that your customer is going to be looking for something and you are not going to have it in stock. Instead of referring them to another place that may have it. Take the time to get their name and number and the item. That night take the time to order it for them. By taking the time to do that for them you can almost guarantee that they are going to keep coming to your store, because they know that if they need something you can order it for them.

Offer Your Help
You will find that there is a lot of times that customers cannot reach something or can not pick it up because the item is too big and bulky or just plain too heavy. This is when it is best to offer them your help. A lot of the time for the older customers that could save them from getting hurt or even saving your business from getting sued because your customer ended up getting hurt.

As long as you keep these 3 tips in mind in having a successful business you will find that all of your customers will not only keep coming back. But your customers well also let their friends know about your customer service and they will come to you as well. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Blue Monkey Writers Association Offers Essay and Article Writing Services

It seems like more and more people are starting businesses online every day. However; a lot of them have trouble trying to stay in business because they do not know the first thing about having an online business. That is where Blue Monkey Writers Association come in.

What We Offer Our Clients
Being one of our clients you can be rest assured that you are not only going to get the best service from our specialists, but you are going to get the best in work that we have to offer. Our specialists know how important your online company is. That is why each and every one of our team members specialize in specific areas of the writing, advertising and marketing areas.
As the owner of Blue Monkey Writers Association, I understand what it means to have a successful business. That is why with my company I make sure that our specialists have the same passion to help you succeed in all that you do with your business needs.

Meet Our Essay and Article Writing Team
Our Essay and Article team specialize in just about any subject. Periodically, there is a subject that they will have to research however; you can be sure that all of the work is going to be done not only in a timely manner but in a professional manner as well.
Most of the time we can guarantee a 24 hour turn around depending on the size of the work load. So if you are in need of something urgently then you have come to the right place. Our specialists will make sure that your needs are met.

Price and Policy
Our pricing and policy is simple. You will not over pay for any work. We build a structured price for each client so that you do not have to pay an arm and a leg to get what you need. Policy is if you are not happy we are not happy! We will do 1 revision for free if there is something that you would like to change. If you need a second one there is a small fee that will be added to the invoice sheet that will show when you make your payment.

So the next time you are in need of some article or essay writing, contact us and we will make sure it is done right. 

Blogging Tips Part 7 :5 Tips on Brainstorming for Topics

Blogging can be difficult at times because there are going to be days that you are just not in the “Writing Mode”, Let’s face it, it happens to all of us. However; how do you handle it and what can do you do make sure that those times come few and far between? In this segment of Blogging Tips Part 7: Brainstorming for topics we are going to go over some easy and fun ways that you can come up with topics to write about. So, take a minute and get a pet and paper ready because I am sure you are going to be writing some of these ideas down.

1.       Watch the News and Read the Newspaper:  While reading a newspaper has become a thing of the past. It is always a good practice to come up with topics to write about. One of the reasons that you may want to consider doing this is to gain local readers. You would be surprised as to how many local people will start reading your work every day to see if there is something going on.

2.       Social Media More and more Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social media platforms are becoming the new way that people find out about what is going on around the world. However: in the same aspect make sure that everything that you read on social media you research. You would be surprised as to how much of it is fake news.

3.       Writing Political Blogs if you are like many Americans there are things politically that you cannot stand. Instead of being like those that stay quiet let your voice be heard.  Make sure noise, let your voice be the one that everyone follows.if you are not happy with how Trump is running the White House and the world write a blog on "Why Donald Trump is the Worst President" There are so many people out there that are afraid, but if they know that someone feels the same way they will voice their thoughts as well. You will find that just from you standing your ground so many others will as well.

4.       Music Listen to your music. Music tends to let your mind think clearer. And at times you will find that one little lyric from a song will help you write blog after blog.

5.       Step Away From Reality Now this may sound a little silly but it is not. There are times that you will find that even just reading a chapter from a book is going to help you it even may inspire you to take a stab at writing your own book or go for a walk. One of the biggest things writers tend to do is taking a walk to the park and sit on a bench. Not really listening to people but talking a moment for yourself. Watching the actions around you. You may find that someone’s actions at the park make cause you to write a funny blog. So, take a minute and see which method is the best for you. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Saying Goodbye to a Friend "Hades” Poem

Good Bye, my friend.
Thank you for all you have done.
Your life on earth is done.
I set you free.
Now you rest beneath that tree.
Please watch over me.
Although, my heart hurts
I know you are in no more pain.
I held you until the bitter end.
Now you can run.
Run free under the sun.
I know I did my part when you were young.
Saving you from that life before.
You were safe with me
I know that now, although your life was short
We showed you love , you were our baby.
We showed you a life of no pain.
Now, you are our angel.
Our Guardian.
We Love You Hades.

May 5, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Blogging Tips Part 6 : Freelance Writers Get 30,000 viewers in 1 Month’s

How would you like to get 30,000 views in one months on your blog? Sounds unrealistic, doesn’t it? Well I am here to tell you that it is not. I have found a way that it is possible for individuals that really want to get their name out there. In this blog, we are going to go over what it takes to get the 30,000 views. I will break it down step by step. I hope this helps all the new bloggers and even the ones that have been at it for a while.

#1 Content is King Write Every Day

The main thing is that you need to make sure you write every day. When writing every day, you want to make sure that it is content that is going to interest your viewers and readers. But that is not all that you have to do. In a way, you have to do a little marketing when writing. You want to make sure that when you write you write pieces that make the people comment and interact. The more that you get to comment and react the more your blog will be passed to their friends and family.
Also, the more that you write a day the higher your web traffic is going to be. As they will see that you not only write once a day but the more you write the more they will read and pass on. Just keep in mind that this is based on 1 blog a day.

#2 Using Your Facebook and Twitter
This is the one most important thing that you need to do. Post your work to your Facebook and Twitter when you write it. You would be surprised as to how many of your friends and family will read your work. From there they will send it to their friends and family increasing your blogging traffic. But the other thing that you need to do is join some groups. In a general day I post my work to 15 different Groups on Facebook.

Plus, by adding it to Twitter you can post your work there for others to read and retweet to their friends and family increasing your blogs visibility even more.

#3 Using Referral Key  
As a writer, you are looking for more money, right? Using Referral Key, you can not only show case your work there but you can find clients there. By using these three sites and following theses steps you will find that you will reach 700- 1000 people a day so remember this simple equation:

1 blog a day  x15 sites on Facebook+ referral Key = 700 to 1000 views a day but the more you write the better your traffic is going to be. 

How to Run a Successful Business: Part 1 Checking Your Market

Let’s face it everyone is leaving their 9 to 5 and starting their own business. However; what most people do not realize when you start your own business there are going to be a few roadblocks that you are going to have to deal with when you first start.

In this blog, we are going to go over the first few steps that you will need to do to start your own business and run it successfully. Over the next few weeks I will have tips and ideas in ways to keep your business going so that you do not end up like so many other new companies that tend to have to close after their first year of being open.

What to do First
As a business owner, there are some key factors that you need to consider making sure that your company is going to survive, in today’s economy. The very first thing that you are going to want to do is do some research the needs and wants of the economy. From there you can base your idea on what you are trying to sell. It is always a good thing to check your markets in your area to make sure that you are going to have the business to stay in business.

Checking your markets daily is a good idea. It will be able to tell you what is coming up and what you should be selling. By doing that you can stay on top of your game, making sure that your business does not fail like so many others have. Once you have gone through your marketing area make sure you add a few little things to your business that would go with your item that you are trying to sell. For instance, if you are a summer clothing store that is not that far from the ocean. You are going to want to look in to surf boards and scuba diving equipment. This would be a smart add-ons to your company’s success. Think smart, not hard.

As long as you take the time to do this, you are going to survive the first hoop of having your own business and keeping your doors open another day.