Thursday, June 15, 2017

Top 5 Money Saving Tips For The College Student and Parents

There are a lot of parents that have children going into college soon. So how can you make sure that they have a decent amount of money for college life? As a parent, we do worry if our child is going to have enough money when they leave home. That is why it is important that both the parent and your college student.
Here are 5 great ways to make sure that your college bound is securely ready for their journey into life. If done you will be sure never to worry about them money wise ever. Because as they get older they will actually keep doing the same thing to always make sure they have money.

Gain Steady Employment-
No matter what year that they start working no matter it is while they are in high school or after high school during the summer. Take the time to help them find a job that is going to stick with them. Then when they get their first check, take the time to take them to the bank and set a decent percentage of the check in to a savings account that will gain interest over time. That way the bank will add more money too it the more that they deposit money into it.
Then every pay day that they have as a parent you take a certain amount out of your check and set it aside for them as well. That way at the end of the summer or year you can deposit that amount into their account for college.

Baby Sitting
With summer, here there are a lot of kids that are home because school is out. However, there are parents out there that just can’t find a baby sitter. Take some time to take out of your day and watch some kids. You would be surprised at how much money you can make a week just for a few hours of your time. You not only are making it a lot easier for the parents so that they do not have to worry about what their kids are doing but they can be rest assured that the kids are with someone that they can trust.

Making Things and Selling Them
If you are someone that is creative and you like to use your hands and make things. Have at it! There are a few websites that you can put your creations up there and make some money. You would be surprised as to how many people love handmade creations. Plus, the best part is you can set your own price. By doing that you can make sure all of the products you use are covered and you still make a profit on top of it.

Offer Pet Services
Just like kid’s pets need attention too. Take some time and put flyers up for a pet service or services that you are willing to offer, while the pets owner is away. It could be something as simple as a dog walking service or a pet sitting service. Or if you really want Cto help the client out offer bathing services. You would be surprised as to how many people will offer to pay you just for that service.
Contact Your Local Paper
Every summer the normal newspaper carriers take time off to spend it with their families. In doing so the newspaper is always looking for people to deliver the paper. Take the time to contact the paper and see what routes are available. Plus, if you are really good and some of the clients see that you are doing a great job you will find that they will give you a tip on top of what you are making with the newspaper, that is always a bonus.

By doing these 5 things you will find that you will have a lot of things that you can do to make extra money for college. So, do not waste time start today and find out how much you can make today. 

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