Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tips for Fixing Your Credit Part 4 Have a Payment Strategy

Fixing your credit can seem like an ever-going process. But in time with diligence and a good strategy even what seemed impossible is possible when fixing your credit. That is why in this blog we are going to discuss the importance of having a payment strategy. Now you may think to yourself didn’t we talk about strategy when we were on Fixing Your Credit 1 Bill at a Time? Yes, we did however we are going to go over another strategy that you may find even more beneficial when paying your bills off.

Too Many Bills, Not Enough Money
So many of us on a weekly basis just do not seem to have enough money to make it through to the next paycheck, let alone enough money to pay off another bill. However, there is a way that you can make sure that you are able to pay all of them without having to worry about not having any money.
Take the time to set up payments. Setting up payments for once a month is really smart with your regular bills. That way you know when the money is going to be coming out of your banking account, but the company also knows when to expect the money. But you also will not forget to pay a bill. Then take the time to balance your check book and even if you have 20.00 that you can set aside for your back bills, you can take that 20.00 and divide it up to pay 2 bills or even 4 bills a lot of the time bill collectors will even take up to 5.00 payments. That way you can pay off more bills at one time.
Don’t Stress You Can Do It
You are going to find that there are going to be times that things are going to be a little tight because let’s face it emergencies do happen. But stay positive, you can do it. There are going to be times that you are going to doubt. But if there happens to be a time that you can not pay on your back bill you can always call them. Explain the situation and a lot of the time they will give you an extension making it so that you can still make the payment. A lot of the time they will just ask you if you could pay just the 5.00 on the account so that your account does not have any more interest add on.

By just giving them the 5.00 you will find that more and more creditors will help you when things do tend to get tight. So, the next time that you think that you are not going to be able to pay on several back bills think again you can do it.  

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